2021 P.W.S.A. Season Cohort/Pod Play FAQs and Teams – Updated

Please see below for updated Cohort/Pod Play teams and FAQs. If you would like to commit your team or make a change, please send an email to info@pwsaontario.com.

Note: Emails will only be accepted from coaches/managers to the above email.

Committed Teams for Cohort/Pod Play

As of January 27, 2021

Click to View Committed Teams


Updated FAQs are in red.

Q: When do we as a team have to commit to the proposed P.W.S.A. cohort/pod play for the 2021 season?

A: January 31, 2021

Q: Once the January 31st date has passed, when can we expect to know our cohort/pod and what weekends events will happen?

A: The P.W.S.A. and committee will need a period to gather the completed lists at each age division. Some additional conversations and planning will happen over the next two weeks. We will communicate cohort/pod decisions as soon as possible, but we ask that everyone respect it will take some time to finalize and release the information. You can get a head start on weekend commitments by reviewing our Championship page for dates and times of the Provincial Qualifier and Grand Championship weekends.

Q:  Are all my forms due on January 31, 2021?

A: Forms are still due based on the dates on our Affiliations page of our Website or App.  Although, at a minimum, we require Associations and Teams to submit their Affiliation forms.   Associations will need to be affiliated or be in the process of affiliating.  This will enable us to better communicate with all the coaches/managers for any upcoming Town Hall meetings.

Q: What are we committing to?

A: You are being asked to fully commit to participate in the 2021 P.W.S.A. plan for cohort event & point play, which will qualify teams to attend provincial championships. You are committing to play all assigned member teams within your cohort. In certain cases, you are also committing to your Tier, and participation in Canadian or Eastern Canadian championships.

Q: Who do we reach out to confirm interest in this plan?

A: We encourage everyone to use the info@pwsaontario.com address, or you may contact the league representatives respectfully.

Q: What are the expected sizes of the cohorts/pods?

A: This is dependent on how the pandemic presents in the spring. The hope is for initial groups of 100, with the possibility to increase to 250 by the middle of the summer

Q: How will cohorts be formed?

A: Tier, Age Specific, Geographic proximity where possible.

Q: We have had some discussions with other teams, and we would like to all be included in one cohort, is that possible?

A: All cohorts/pods will be formed by P.W.S.A.. We will be conducting town halls shortly with division coordinators for all teams to offer feedback on the overall process prior to finalizing anything for summer 2021.

Q: Who is accountable for finalizing the cohorts/pods?

A: The cohorts/pods will be established by the P.W.S.A. Divisional Coordinators & the appointed 2021 planning committee members.

Q: What are the “zones” being considered?

A: Each age category will look slightly different; however, we expect up to 5 zones. Far East (Ottawa-Cornwall-Napanee), CEWFL (York, Durham), Peel Halton-GTA, Grand Valley, Far West (Windsor- Chatham-Corunna)

Q: When will we know what teams we will be grouped with?

A: PWSA and the Committee can’t confirm final groups until we know all the teams participating.  Deadline for teams to commit is January 31, 2021. 

Q: May I request specific cohort partners?

A: No, cohorts will be established based on Tier, Age, Geography and/or the number of teams in a division.

Q: How will this work if one or more regions are in different coloured zones come spring 2021?

A: If we are still in coloured zones, the plan will not work.

Q: Can we commit to Tier 1, but elect to drop down to Tier 2 for provincials?

A: No, your commitment now will be held for the balance of the season. We are going to reach out to some teams with respect to their choice and offer some comments & suggestions for consideration.

Q: What happens if we commit, but then come May do not have enough players due to injury or withdrawal?

A: The same rules for this instance as defined in our rule book would be followed here.

Q: What weekends should we reserve for expected cohort play?

A: At present make sure to make note of the P.W.S.A. Provincial dates, Canadian Qualifiers, as well as the Eastern and Canadian Championship weekends

Q: How many weekends will we be expected to play?

A: This can vary by age division, but you should expect to be asked to attend 4 to 6 weekends between mid-May to the end date for your age category. Please make note of booked weekends for P.W.S.A. Provincial Championships, Canadian Qualifiers, Eastern & Canadian Championships

Q: Are the P.W.S.A. cohort weekends covered in my affiliation fee?

A: No. The cohort weekends are association sanctioned tournaments.  The fee is set by the association host.  Your P.W.S.A. affiliation fee covers P.W.S.A. Provincial championships.  

Q: How many games will teams play each weekend?

A: This has not been decided. We have advised teams should expect to play Saturday & Sunday only. Teams will earn points for games won, tied, and attended. Each event should follow a set-format for length of games, rules, etc.

Q: How does the point system for games played at events work?

A: At present 3 points is earned for a win, 2 points for a tie, and 1 point for a loss/game played. The committee has discussed the possibility that at some age groups (Tier 1, Intermediate, Open) that weekend events will not follow the same standard point scoring format in place for most divisions. This is because the path to provincials in some of these divisions is already mapped out (based on number of available teams)

Q: Where will these weekend events take place?

A: It is likely the host of the weekend events will be a team/association within your cohort.

Q: Will weekend events include playdowns for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place etc.?

A: This is still with the committee for review. It could be a combination of standard play and playdown weekends.

Q: We have heard there is a quarantine period in the summer. Please explain?

A: Following cohort play, teams will need to shut down for a minimum of 7-days before forming new groups for further events, or provincial championships.

Q: What about games during the week (Monday to Friday)?

A: At the town halls we mentioned teams could schedule friendlies with teams within their cohort. We recognize some teams will want to play more games than others. Mid-week games are an excellent way to do this. We encourage play during the week within the cohort.

Q: Why can’t weeknight games count for points?

A: We have not finalized the method for which games will be counted. This plan will not be finalized until the cohorts are formed. Therefore, we encourage teams to commit earlier than the January 31st date

Q: Will events be limited to “Bat 9 / DP Flex” rules?

A: The committee is reviewing how to properly manage weekend point events so as to insure the best experience for all athletes. It is possible some weekends will be managed with these rules in place.

Q: Does the “P.W.S.A. affiliation date” now become January 31, 2021?

A: No, the posted dates for P.W.S.A. affiliation remain the same.

Q: Can we still bid to Host a Provincial Championship or Qualifier?

A:  Yes, the 2021 Bid form is available on our Bids page >  https://www.pwsaontario.com/general-info/forms/

Q: How do we offer to host one of the point weekends?

A: Once the cohorts/pods have been formed, division coordinators and the committee will seek out hosts. We understand that some associations may not be able to commit to having diamonds available at present, but we do want to try and finalize weekend locations for everyone by the middle of March.

Q: Can I coach in multiple divisions?

A: No, at present that would not be allowed in 2021. 

Q: How will coaching certifications be treated in 2021?

A: If there are not any clinics, we will be looking at providing exemptions again for the 2021 season.  At minimum coaches will be required to complete online Foundation of Coaching course > https://softball.ca/onlinelearning/foundations.

Q: Does committing to this plan preclude us from playing events in other provinces and/or the USA?

A: There is no definitive date for when travel permits will be issued. Affiliation means a travel permit is needed for any event out of province. We strongly suggest anyone booking out of province events review the event’s refund policy.

Q: Can a player play within these P.W.S.A. cohorts, and also play ball with another governing body in Ontario?

A: No, that would be considered breaking the cohort.

Q: What is the penalty for breaking the rules established for cohort play?

A: Penalty for breaking the rules will be removal from the cohort with no refund.

Q: What differences are there in the Intermediate/Open Division?

A: Based on the number of teams, cohorts will not take on the same form in these divisions. We would like to hear from teams by January 31st, however we understand that often teams aren’t entirely sure of their plan or roster. We encourage communication to P.W.S.A. in advance of the deadline date.

Q: Why do we need this P.W.S.A. proposed weekend cohort plan for 2021? Vaccines are coming…

A: Experts say general population will not receive the vaccine till the third quarter. Some form of modified play will be needed in summer 2021. We are proactively working on something to create the best softball playing experience for all athletes in summer 2021. Our plan is fluid and fully dependent on the course the pandemic takes.

Q: We have a proposal, or an idea to share. Who can we contact?

A: Please reach out to a committee member, or use the email address info@pwsaontario.com

Q: Who is on the P.W.S.A. Advisory Team?

A: Representatives from the three larger leagues in the province (Peel-Halton, CEWFL & Grand Valley) along with P.W.S.A. members. These groups are meeting and communicating regularly.